Administrative property management packages ensure effective communication
Essential to the proper administration and property management of any condominium corporation is proper record keeping. Poor records management, rules not properly enforced or status certificates improperly completed can end up being costly to Boards and corporations. Skywater provides a complete scalable program for the proper administration of a condominium and will work with the Board to ensure specific attention to problem areas.
Record Keeping:
We maintain all records defined by Section 55 of the Act with a standard filing system in our office, including any Board approved records requested for retention. All records are the records of your corporation and are accessible by the Board at any time.
Meeting Attendance:
Regularly scheduled meetings allow for the timely exchange of information with our clients. Our property manager will attend these meetings along with other members of our Team, as necessary, to present the information you need to make decisions concerning your property.
Rules and Rules Enforcement:
Skywater focuses on obtaining voluntary compliance from rule offenders in addition to preserving all the necessary documentation in the event of mediation, arbitration or legal proceedings. While all building Managers are available to settle issues or disputes between neighbours, Boards and other parties, Skywater will suggest fully trained mediators as needed.
Word Processing:
Standard letters, specifications and contracts allow us to respond quickly and effectively to the requests of our clients and the needs of the residents.
Quite simply, it’s what we do best. Our team philosophy, strong interpersonal skills and executive involvement, allows us to keep you frequently and thoroughly advised of all relevant matters concerning your property.
Basic Administration:
Skywater provides a long list of other important administrative services in addition to basic functions and programs such as: